Our ministry for the little ones is catered for their young minds and is led by enthusiastic teachers who keep them engaged throughout the entire lesson.

Additionally, we think it is important to prepare our youth for the challenges of life they will face once they enter adulthood.

Likewise the whole family can find a class to enjoy and remain challenged to dive deep into the Bible with an age group where you’ll fit right in. Our congregational age range covers from early adult to seasoned veteran.

We offer Sunday School classes from 9:00-10:00am during the school year for both junior high and senior high age groups.

Join us for family-oriented atmosphere Wednesday evening. A typical evening includes games for kids, a meal for the family, singing together, watching a video lesson together, and discussion and prayer time broken into groups. Times are 6:00-8:00pm on Weds evenings during the school year.

It is with joy that we are able to host Celebrate Recovery, a 12-step program focused on helping participants address the “hurts, habits, and hang-ups” that keep us from living the full life that God intends for us. Unlike AA or NA groups, we name our higher power as Jesus Christ. Also unlike AA or NA groups, this is not just for those battling addictions to substances; it is for anyone who wants to overcome the burden of past trauma and hurt and those fighting against sins of any type in their lives. This is open to both men and women, with time for combined large group lesson time and gender-specific small group time. Meets Tuesday nights 6:30-8:00pm

Older, Wiser, Learning Still is a group of senior adults that meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 1:00pm for a time of fellowship, Bible Study and prayer.